Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The War With Access

It seems our favourite community broadcaster has been telling local producers that Foxtel is demanding exclusivity rights for any content which airs on their community channel Aurora.

Foxtel does not demand exclusive rights, and are getting annoyed about this campaign of misinformation. Come to think of it, Melbourne 31 doesn't demand exclusivity either. So where does Access 31 get this idea they can and should have complete ownership of other people's work for three years, pay no royalties in all that time, and profit from it how they like?

We make these programs out of our own money, damnit. Access 31 won't pay local producers for providing content, but want us to pay them $380/half hour to broadcast our shows. On the other hand, they will happily buy overseas dreck to fill up community airtime so they can justify not putting local content on.

If you think it's hard getting your voice heard in the commercial media, try getting it heard on Perth's own community broadcaster.

This is ToxicPurity reporting from the frontlines in the ongoing War With Access 31.

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