Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Five Fav Things. . .

. . . Skribe has said to me when clothes-shopping:

  1. "You realise those are mid-life-crisis pants."
  2. "Nice hat. Pity it makes you look like an air-stewardess."
  3. "Maybe when you become a grandmother."
  4. "Unfortunately, that dress will make you look like a waitress in a Chinese restaurant."
  5. "Hello, Lee Lin Chin."


skribe said...

What can I say? I have discerning taste. It's why I chose to hook up with you.

ToxicPurity said...


So it wasn't gullibility? :)

skribe said...

Yeah, that too =).

ToxicPurity said...

AWWWWW... *swoon*

You say the loveliest things, sweetie.