Tool Time
One of the changes I've noticed since becoming a parent is that I like to build things. Things made of wood. Things for my boy.
Now, let me just say that I failed woodworking at school which was a bitter blow to my cabinet-making father. While he was one of the leading veneer workers in the state I could barely hammer in a nail straight. My only saving grace was that I never chopped off any appendages with the bandsaw. Perhaps if I had I may have passed the unit.
Fast forward twenty years and suddenly I'm assembling flat packs. Now, don't snort with derision this is a big leap for me. And it's not all just allen key screws either. There have been nails to hammer in and every single one of them have been straight. I even marked out the widths on the board so I knew I was hammering into wood. Baby steps for you. Big leap for me. Maybe watching Scotty Cam all these years on Burke's Backyard Blitz has finally had an effect.
Now I suddenly have an urge to buy power tools and to hack down defenceless Jarrah trees. I want to build three legged toy boxes and have TP decorate them with sea shells. Suddenly I understand Tim 'The Tool Man' Taylor. Now, I truly am a man.
Sea-shells? SEA-SHELLS?!
I do not do sea-shells. Little dancing pirate dinosaur skeletons, maybe. Sea-shells, bah.
hehehe nice to hear the sounds of dissent in the camp... %) Something different to hear when putting a sea-shell to one's ear...
PS Skribe: what was that about the halflife of fossil fuels and nuclear fuels?
So you think that decades compares with millenia?
... hehehe I'm only gonna live for decades ....
lol. I'll raise a glass for you at the heat death of the universe then =).
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