Friday, May 13, 2005

Meme: You're the film-maker

If you had access to any amount of money what story would you make a movie of and why?


ToxicPurity said...

At this moment - the circumnavigation of Africa by the Phoenicians.
Probably because I'm reading Herodotus' Histories at the moment, and fascinated by this possibly anecdotal voyage of exploration conducted about 600 BCE. They literally sailed off the map, wintered on unknown shores, crossed the equator without knowing it existed, observed the peculiar position of the sun, survived encounters with alien peoples, and finally sailed back through the Straits of Gibraltar into familiar waters. And this during the age of gods and monsters. Helluva voyage -> helluva film.
Tomorrow, however, I'll probably want to make a quirky comedy about the Wild Kangaroo Girl Hoax.

skribe said...

I would choose a story that I first read as a teenager: The Stainless Steel Rat by Harry Harrison. It is a great story, an SF comedy at that which is extremely rare, has a strong, but sometimes ditzy, protaginist and a smart, albeit psychotic, antagonist. Both excellent roles that any half-decent actor or actress would break a leg for. There are also four book sequels (and at least three prequels) so if the film takes off there are even more chances to fleece...I mean, entertain the audience.

As TP suggested when I mentioned the idea to her, I think it would be interesting to have a retro-style future, based upon a future as it was imagined in the 60s, when the book was written. That way we could do anything, science be damned.

Anonymous said...

I would tell the story of a vietnamese refugee child who learns english in america, and then goes on to win a national spelling competition, after losing all contact with her culture and identity... i would call it "the girl who spelled indoctrination", and it would never be aired in north america.
or maybe i would just edit together a bunch of friends episodes and cash in on the bajillion dollars people would love to spend to see one more really long episode of friends.
hard to say really.
BTW.. your blogs are brilliant. funny AND informative. i like it.

skribe said...

LOL. Ta.