Sunday, August 21, 2005

Warm Beer, Cold Curry, Tired Brain

For the last three weekends I've been involved in a program funded by the Office of Multicultural Affairs to provide training in video production to migrants. Have met some very lovely people. It's been interesting, the trainees coming from countries as diverse as Sudan and Sweden, with equally diverse skills and experience.

Mainly, it means I haven't had a day off since July. Whee.

Today was the last day, so we had a closing ceremony and handed out certificates (most of which had misspelt names). The Hon. John Hyde, the current Member for Perth, was a no-show (he had to fill in for a sick Premier at some Vietnamese do), so he was replaced by a former Member for Perth Dr Ian Alexander.

Pictures were taken, hands were shaken, warm beer was drunk, and most everyone ppromised to return in September to help put together a new show called Kaleidoscope which will be about, can you guess, migrant communities in Perth.

Snaffled some leftover chicken curry and biryani for Skribe, came home, and then we went and sat by the river and did absolutely nothing.

We watched mites and other unidentified insects scuttle over the water, and a leaf carried high overhead on a current. We noted the grid-like interference patterns on the river, made even more surreal and lovely because the surface tension hadn't broken, thereby causing the glossy water to resemble a rather expensive CGI effect from the early 90s.

Occasionally, we took silly pictures of each other and conversed. T'was bliss.

Ah, well. Back to work tomorrow.

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