Monday, August 15, 2005


I've just completed writing the first draft of a new short film - not the schizophrenia one I was writing before. I need to do more research on that one. This one is about euthanasia - yes, my muse is such a cheerful creature - except I've written it with comedic elements - I think. I won't know if it works until TP reads it.

I've been ruminating - composting, as Neil Gaiman likes to call it - on this one for over a year. It hasn't exactly turned out the way I originally envisioned it though. The original idea was to create a black comedy with a twist at the end. What I ended up writing was less funny yet more dark with better developed characters. Well, better developed for a first draft anyway. I think I prefer trhis version. Less of a gag film. More to say. Ideally, what I'm aiming for is a combination of both - a dark, comedy with well developed characters and a thought-provoking, yet still funny, twist at the end. Maybe with TPs assistance we'll get there.

I've never really credited myself as a particularly gifted writer, but there are signs of definite improvement. I'm finding myself actually starting to use some of the techniques I was taught in university - which is very strange indeed. Who knew?

If this one turns out as well as I think it will we might have to see about getting it made.

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