Saturday, August 13, 2005

This is cool - exploring a website without once clicking on your mouse. Alright, once. But once only. You get the hang of it really quickly.

Is it viable? Don't know. There's something to be said about the near-instantaneous response of a mouseclick. Also the habit. That said, the best part of the experiment is thinking about - and exploring - how we use mice/pointers with web interfaces.

Fun, stylish, occasionally slow and frustrating. Yes, it's a geeky thing.


Anonymous said...

Why don't you have mouseover activation for your comments?

ToxicPurity said...

Good question. We thought about it, and these are probably our reasons:

a. The theme for our site wasn't set for mouseover activation on comments.

b. We didn't feel the need for it.

c. The year has an even digit in it.

skribe said...

It would annoy Ted too much.