Monday, December 20, 2004

Personoid of the Year

While it looks like Time Magazine's Person of the Year nomination has degenerated into so much sycophantic Smithers-ness, just remember that their vote for Man of the Year 1939 was jolly old Adolph, and Man of the Year 1980 was the Ayatollah Khomeini. In their own words, the nomination (and it's NOT an award nor an honour) recognises "the single person who, for better or worse, has most influenced events in the preceding year." Dubya is in good company.

Personally, my fav Time Person of the Year was the 1982 nominee, The Computer, but what do I know. Politicians and fanatics come and go, but when technological marvels become not merely commonplace but integral to everyday life - when something we've made changes our lives so much that we cannot conceive of doing without it - now that's worthy of recognition, for good or bad.

In that light, here's 10 Things Time learnt about blogging.

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