ToxicPurity's NY Resolutions
Personally, 2004, like most years, had its good days and its not-so-good days. More than ever, I am grateful to belong to this country, to have a friend and partner like Skribe to share my life with, and to be in a position where I can be thankful about anything at all.
So, rather than thinking about things to give up, I am resolving to add to my life:
1. I will get my driver's license.
2. I will continue with night classes at TAFE, and learn something useful, or fun, or both.
3. I will actually donate blood sometime this year (and so will Skribe).
4. I will have coffee/go to the pub/hang out with friends more. Like more than twice.
5. I will draw/paint/whatever and get published/exhibited/sold.
6. I will figure out the missing crucial second step in the Underpants Gnomes' 3-step route to wealth and profit, and so never have to work for wacky East Europeans again. Ever.
7. More than every other year before, I will make 2005 my year.