Friday, April 01, 2005

A Foolish Death

Call me a cynic, if you will, but it is my opinion that JP2 is dead. Not that I really care, not being a catholic or even a Christian, but at least JP2 went out better than JP1, who, if you believe the conspiratorists, was most likely murdered by someone in his inner circle.

Why, you may ask, is the Vatican hiding the truth? The simple answer would be to say because it is the Vatican. They've been hiding the truth since their very inception. A simpler answer would be because the death occurred on the 1st of April and I suspect that a good number of Catholics would be inclined to believe that it is just a Fools Day prank - albeit one in bad taste. It would be a bad omen if the second last pontiff before Judgement Day was to die on the day of fools. So the Vatican has graciously postponed the death until tomorrow, or maybe the day after, we'll probably never know exactly when he died. Perhaps I'll call them when I'm on my deathbed and see if they can postpone my death for a century or twelve. But they'll probably only even take the call if I converted.

Funny how according to some Christian doctrine you can be an arsehole your entire life and still achieve salvation if you repent with your dying breath. Probably explains why there are so many arseholes in the world. Unfortunately, it doesn't explain me.

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