Thursday, October 28, 2004

When Movies Invade Reality

So, Hobbits really did exist (and they lived on a tropical island alongside small dragons and Rats Of Enormous Size, and they hunted pygmy elephants); and US President George Bush is really just a movie villain, albeit the scariest movie villain in recent cinema.

I'll buy that. Explains a lot, actually. Not the most convincing performance of a US President in my memory, but without doubt one of the most genuinely terrifying portrayals of modern evil.

It's an interesting experience living in a reality that can produce both of these findings. I love when the universe plays head games with me.

1 comment:

ToxicPurity said...

Well, yes, I could have got the quote right, but that wouldn't have conveyed the whole Giant Rat thing. After all, the capybara is a Rodent of Unusual Size (and according to the Vatican also a fish but never mind that for now) but not a Giant Rat. Our Hobbit cousins had Giant Rats and Pygmy Elephants. And Komodo Dragons. And Volcanoes. Science wasn't this interesting when I was in school.

I should have just said Giant Rats :)