Thursday, September 23, 2004

God is Canadian

Some two to three weeks back, Dave Sim, creator of the utterly inexplicable comic Cerebus the Aardvark, made it known via Neil Gaiman's blog that he was offering free, signed copies of specific issues of Cerebus (the ones where he lampoons Gaiman's Sandman).  All anyone had to do was ask for one.  Nicely.  By mail.  And he would ship them out to you, at his own cost.  He apparently expected to get anywhere from ten to twenty requests, since the overlap audience for both comics would appear to be near zero.  He's up to a couple of thousand and still counting.

I got mine on Tuesday.

I'm a Happy Toxic Purity.

I'm also an utterly amazed ToxicPurity, because this one issue is like a single milimetre in a kilometre stretch.  That's a hell of a lot of pages Sim has written and drawn entirely on his own, out of sheer bloody mindedness, for well over two decades.  This is what one page from a magnum opus looks like.


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