Thursday, January 20, 2005

One minute

How long does it take you to pee? According to the good people at Hungry Jack's South Perth it should take men no longer than one minute to step up to the urinal, unzip, flop it out, piddle, shake, flop back in, zip back up and step away. I know this because there is a large sign above the men's urinal - yes there is such a thing as a women's urinal - that announces that it has an autoflush system and that it begins in one minute. That's great. They're really popular in SE Asia (particularly Singapore). It's a great idea. The problem with the HJ South Perth one is:

  • a) a Hungry Jack minute equals 38 secs of real time
  • b) it splashes.

So don't drink too much at HJs guys or else you're going to get it splashed back at you in 38...37...36...

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